ASTEROIDES, COMETAS Y LAS HISTORIAS DIFÍCILES DE NUESTROS ORÍGENES CÓSMICOS 23 minutos Recomendado para mayores de 9 años ¡Hay subtítulos disponibles para Incoming! Aprenda sobre accesibilidad en ASC. ASTEROIDES, COMETAS Y LAS HISTORIAS DIFÍCILES DE NUESTROS ORÍGENES CÓSMICOS 23 minutos Recomendado para mayores de 9 años ¡Hay subtítulos disponibles para Incoming! —Pregunte a un miembro del equipo al ingresar […]
LIVING IN A CONNECTED WORLDWe think of ourselves as self-sufficient, but human beings live within an intricate network of plants, animals, and other life forms that support us in myriad ways. In this show narrated by Frances McDormand, discover the beauty, variety, and vast complexity of these relationships.Through stunning visualizations of the natural world, dive […]
HIGHLIGHTS Free parking A direct view of Nashville’s downtown fireworks display on the museum lawn Fireworks start at 9:30 pm and end around 10 pm Live science demonstrations featuring fire, fog, and EXPLOSIONS that will put the BOOM in Red, White, & Boom 7:00 pm - Fog Cloud 7:30 pm - Bottle Explosion 8:00 pm […]