
En Adventure Science Center, la ciencia es para todos.

We’re working hard to break down the barriers to access, whether physical, financial, or cultural, to provide an inclusive experience for ALL of our guests. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our guests’ experience, create new relationships while building a sense of community, and increase awareness of the resources we have available.

For questions or concerns about accessibility, please Envíanos un correo electrónico.

Help us continue to offer accessible services and options for our guests with a gift today.

Prior to 2020, our team worked with both TRIAD and a student intern from Belmont University's School of Occupational Therapy to create a collection of resources for people who have developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, or other sensory concerns. Additionally, in 2022, science center staff began annual training with Kulture City on how to recognize guests with sensory needs and how to handle a sensory overload situation. 

Follow the links below to download the materials:

Sensory Bags

We have sensory kits available for guests to borrow at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. Included in each kit are items to fidget with and noise-minimizing headphones. All you need is a photo ID! Visit our friendly Guest Services staff in the lobby to exchange your ID for a bag.

Quieter Times and Spaces

Sundays are often less busy during the weekends than Saturday. Though Saturday afternoon after 3 pm is typically quieter. During the the school year, weekdays around 1 pm are also typically quieter times to visit.

We can’t guarantee any one day will be slower than another will, as crowds vary depending on holidays, school vacations, weather, and a number of other factors.

If at any point during your visit you feel overstimulated and need access to the EY Sensory Room, please visit our Guest Services desk in the lobby and an Adventure Guide will be happy to assist you.

Planetario Sudekum

Inside the Sudekum Planetarium can be dark, the volume can be loud and the visuals can include a lot of motion. We have noise-minimizing headphones and weighted blankets you can request to borrow at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis from a Planetarium Educator.

Special thanks to our Adventure Access sponsors:



With Nashville’s thriving Hispanic community, we’re actively working toward creating ways to help our Spanish language guests have a welcoming, meaningful and memorable experience. We're always open to hearing your suggestions — Envíanos un correo electrónico.

©2024 Adventure Science Center
Español de México